When, at the end of January, Syriza won the Greek elections, all the leftish zines and blogs were a-flutter with yap about empowerment and a new red dawn. Ding Dong Austerity is over; the Wicked Witch is Dead!
The establishment press, reformist rags like the Guardian included, were all a-jitter with the potential looming consequences to the Eurozone. Faxit? Quixit? Grexit?
Ignored in the hubbub and froo-lala was the head of the Greek Communist Party who explained that he would not be entering into a coalition with Syriza because he did not think that palliatives within the system would be fruitful or even possible.
It did not take long for Europe's Albrechtian Ogre to emerge from his cave to squash Syriza under the flesh part of his palm, like a fly. To say that the humiliation was total is not the half of it. The hope for economic reform in Greece has been executed; and, not just killed, but killed in away that is cruel and humiliating. Greece has been crucified, as a abject lesson to those who would question the power of Euro-capitalism.
Gotha Socialism is a mirage. There is no alternative within the capitalist system. The system does what it does because of what it is. It is not a question of excesses within a system but rather of an economic mode of being which is inherently excessive. Capitalism -- a system of commodification which debases the nature and uses of everything into mere quantifiable exchange for its own sake-- will destroy everything under the sun until people have the courage to opt-out from its grasp.