Monday, March 10, 2014

Direct from the Jawbone of an Ass

The United States seems to be having a bargain basement sale on astroturf -- otherwise known as stirring up phony grass-roots protests in order to destabilize a "target" government. 

The denouement in the Ukraine has hardly abated before Uncle Sam is busy rolling out the turf in Venezuela. 

This requires the usual sound-track from on high.  Arriving in Chile, Vice President Biden, declaimed:

 Confronting peaceful protesters with force and in some cases armed militias, limiting freedom of the press and assembly … is not in line with the solid standards of democracy that we have in most of our hemisphere ...

Really Joe? 

You real mean that?

Not content with one asinine comment Biden went on to say that President Maduro  "should listen to the Venezuelan people."  Evidently despite access to the CIA's best intelligence, Biden hasn't bothered to look at the polls from Venezuela.

In fact he has.  He's just a shame-faced two-faced sum-bitch liar who pimps for an out-of-control, crazed government that infiltrates and suppresses protest at home while infiltrating and provoking protests abroad.