Friday, February 28, 2014

The Awfulness of Them Y'ar Oligarchs

The New York Times rattles on in its campaign to discredit Ukraine's elected government and to remove the spotlight from the West's very unclean hands in the matter.   A front page video showed stunned Ukrainians walking through  the sumptuous halls and glittering bad taste of the ousted president's luxurious private villa. 

Imagine that!  While ordinary Ukrainians suffered unemployment, inflation and dwindling opportunities, the oligarchs were living in ostentatious splendor.  

Imagine that ...

Oooops!   Hold on! Wrong palace!  Some clown in the projection booth got the Bill Gates mansion mixed up with Yanukovich's woody palace.

Sorry folks... this is the Yanukovich hillside Titanic

As we were saying....

Those Awful Oligarchs certainly deserve to be run out of country on a rail!   Yes indeed.  What shameless pigs.   And we are overjoyed the Ukrainians will now share in the benefits of  Oligarchical Capitalism