Thursday, November 15, 2012

Another Slaughter in Canada

Canada proposes to kill 70,000 grey seals "in order" to revive depleted stocks of cod.  In other words, sweet, pacific, multi-culutral kanada proposes to slaughter one creature so that it can hunt and plunder another. 

Why is the human race so fucked up?

Fortunately a group of marine scientists have publicly called into question the dipshit thinking of the Kanadian Senate's Standing Committee on Fish which concluded with brazen stupidity that since seals eat "fish" they are the cause of diminished stocks of "cod".

This is about as stupid and fucked up as saying that since a pig is an animal and a cow is an animal therefore a pig is a cow.

Do seals eat cod?  Answer: noooooooooooo.

If you happen to read this, write the Canadian government and tell them they have shit for brains.

See Article.